Membership Makes Cents
National Study of Chambers of Commerce
A national study by Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives(ACCE):
When consumers know that a small business is a member of the chamber of commerce, they are 49% more likely to think favorably of it and 80% more likely to purchase goods or services from the company in the future.
- If a company shows that it is highly involved in its local chamber (e.g., is a chamber board member), consumers are 10% more likely to think that its products stack up better against its competition.
- When consumers know that a national restaurant franchise is a member of the chamber of commerce, they are 68% more likely to eat at the franchise in the next few months.
- When consumers know that an insurance company is a member of the chamber of commerce, they are 36% more likely to think favorably of the company.

Read more on why Chamber Membership is Effective Business Strategy here.
Membership Benefits
Your Membership Investment and what great benefits come with your Alice Hub City Chamber of Commerce Membership.
Credibility & Referrals
- Display your membership sticker at your business and place a member badge on your website. Reports show members of the Chamber have considerable increased credibility.
- Receive touch-points when a member or staff refers your business.
- Get exclusive referrals to inquiries by Chamber staff via phone.
What our membership software does for you….
Increased Web Visibility
- Every member has their own listing. Visitors to the directory can easily search for your business by category, keywords, location and alphabetical listings.
- Each member has a personalized information page that lists key information, website info, Google maps and directions. For those without a website, your business listing can also serve as your own webpage with its own URL.
- We encourage members to log in and update their information, which automatically updates the chamber’s database and online listing at the same time, this helps to increase your SEO and visibility.
Enhanced Listing
This is a great opportunity that the Alice Hub City Chamber of Commerce offers ALL members at the Deluxe Listing level for $50.
With your Deluxe Listing you receive:
- Logo placement
- Increased space for descriptions
- Additional keywords
- Bullet points to draw the visitors attention
- Up to 12 photos and 1 YouTube video
Online Advertising (See Price Sheet under Resources in your back office)
Banner Ads capture attention and drive a direct response. They’re an integral piece of any integrated marketing campaign.
- Banner ads link to the member’s page or any other designated URL
- Banner advertisers receive top-priority placement as their category sponsor and company are highlighted
Social Media Networking
As a member we will automatically publish your events, job postings, hot deals, ribbon cutting photo and announce you as a new member on our ever-growing and highly active Chamber social media channels.
Ribbon Cuttings, Grand Openings, & Ground Breakings
We email ribbon cutting/grand opening/ground breaking announcements to all Chamber members and set the event on the Chamber social media channels. The event is also announced weekly in the Monday Spotlight. We have an Ambassador team of Chamber members, who attend these events as well as Board Members, City and County Officials. Your event photo is then pushed out onto our social media channels. A press release is also written and sent to the newspaper and published at their discretion.
The Chamber advocates for its members, but also brings professionals together to learn and connect. Attending Chamber events can help you stay up to date on issues that affect the community – and events can take on a range of shapes and sizes, with attendees from all industries and backgrounds. Some of our networking events are listed below:
- Chamber Chat & Coffee
- State of the City
- Luncheons
- Annual Banquet
- Mixers
We are always coming up with new events for our members to connect with the community and business professionals just like them!
Constant Contact Discount
As a member of the Chamber you will receive:
- Hub City News allows businesses to create newsletters, surveys and other email marketing and tracking.
- Online training designed to help you increase revenue.
- Free support for those members that need help with Hub City News or with their marketing strategy.
Membership Directory Listing
You will be listed in the official Alice Hub City Chamber of Commerce Visitors Guide Publication. As a member you are also able to advertise in the directory.
Facebook Live Marketing
Invite the Chamber to come visit your business as you give us a tour around and tell us what your business is all about.
Discounted Pricing at Chamber Events
Chamber Members receive discounted pricing to chamber luncheons, evening events, and other programs.
Website Access for Members
- Free job postings section on the website
- Free event posting
- Free member-to-member deals listing on website
- Hot Deals listings
Advocacy for Business, through effective Political Action
- The Chamber aggressively advocates for business, through effective political action and ensures that government offices are business sensitive.
Ready to Join the Chamber?
We invite you to complete our online application to become a member of the Chamber, and start growing your business!